Flights from Delhi to New York - DEL to JFK Flights

Flights from Delhi to New York | DEL to JFK Flights


Fly from Delhi to New York with cheap flight tickets. Book your flight on XN Travels to New York from Delhi. Get the best price deals and special offers personalized for your trip from DEL to JFK. Select from several options on dates, timings, airlines, and class, choose yours on our website to travel.

Visit the most populated city in the United States with endless things to explore on every block. Explore the popular tourist attractions like Met Museum, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, Broadway, Times Square, and much more. Experience the city like a true New Yorker on foot, in the traffic, at the local restaurants, and retail shops. Buy souvenirs in New York and you will cherish them for eternity.

Take a getaway trip or an extended vacation with us, our budget-friendly prices will save you a few dollars which you can add to your budget for the trip from Delhi to New York.

Book online or give us a call to book your cheap flight ticket from DEL to JFK.


Frequently Asked Questions

From Delhi to New York, the travel time varies according to the mode of transport. The below-mentioned information is an average estimation of time- By non-stop flight- 14 hr 20 min+ By connecting flight- 18 hr 45 min+ By car- not available By transit- not available
Around three to four flights are operated nonstop daily from Delhi to New York by Air India, United
The average airfare from Delhi to New York is from $470 to $848. The prices change during high seasons, national holidays, festivals, events, etc.
January is the cheapest month to fly to New York while June and July are the high seasons.
Around 280 nonstop and connecting flights are scheduled for departure from DEL to JFK airport daily.
Both Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) and John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The timings differ for airline counters, security checkpoints, terminals, and retail outlets.
There are car rental counters at each terminal of the airport. Book your rental or take the AirTrain to the Federal Circle Station if you’ve made an early booking. Some of the car rental companies are Alamo, Budget, Enterprise, National, and more.
Consider buying a package deal for trips with family and friends as it is a cheaper option and will save you a lot of time. Book your trip with XN Travels. Our agents aid our customers 24*7 with any booking-related query. To get cheap flight tickets to change your flight’s departure date, timing, or airline and get the best deal available.
We provide our customers with the best services for a smooth ticket booking experience to travel from Delhi to New York. Our advanced technology generates cheap prices for all destinations. For any additional support, you can call us anytime for assistance in booking flights from DEL to JFK.