Flights from San Francisco to Palm Springs - SFO to PSP Flights

Flights from San Francisco to Palm Springs | SFO to PSP Flights


Fly from San Francisco to Palm Springs with cheap flight tickets. Book your flight on XN Travels to Palm Springs from San Francisco. Get the best price deals and special offers personalized for your trip from SFO to PSP. Select from a number of options on dates, flights, economy and business, timings, one-way or round-trip, choose yours on our website to travel.

“The Golf Capital of the World”, Palm Springs offers amazing warm weather to play golf in more than 100 golf courses around the city. It also has the largest number of pools per capita in the world with more than 50,000 pools. You can sit in the world’s largest rotating tramcars for an eight-minute ride. Also, don’t forget to explore the 50 feet waterfall in a deserted Canyon called Tahquitz Canyon. The city offers warm Californian weather throughout the year along with the mid-century modern architecture for some aesthetic drives around the city: overall an eye and mind-pleasing experience.

Take a getaway trip or an extended vacation with us, our budget-friendly prices will save you a few dollars which you can add to your budget for the journey from San Francisco to Palm Springs.

Book online or give us a call to book your cheap flight ticket from SFO to PSP.


Frequently Asked Questions

From San Francisco, California to Palm Springs, California, the travel time varies according to the mode of transport. The following data is an average estimated time- By non-stop flight- 1hr 25min+ By connecting flight – 4hr 50min+ By transit – 16hr 2min+ By car – 7hr 37min+
Alaska Airlines and United Airlines provide non-stop flights from San Francisco to Palm Springs.
For non-stop flights, the average airfare is from $79 -$309, and for connecting flights, the average airfare is $159- $1,010.
The cheapest time to visit Palm Springs is early September and from January to April when the weather is pleasant with less tourist crowd.
On daily basis, 124 flights are scheduled to depart from San Francisco to Palm Springs including non-stop and one to two-stop flights.
San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is open 24hrs a day, however, from 10:00 p.m. To 6:00a.m. Only ticketed passengers are allowed. Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) is open 24 hours a day.
You can find the list of car rental companies that provide on-site and off-site airport services on the website of Palm Spring International Airport (PSP). Book your rental beforehand to avoid any last-minute delays.
Package deals are a cheaper option if you’re going on a vacation. If you find a perfect package deal for you, then it is the best idea as you wouldn’t have to stress about planning your trip. Book your trip with XN Travels. Give us a call for any booking-related query, our agents are available 24*7 to assist. Change the dates or airlines, flight departure timing, or even the airport, these little things can make a huge difference in the ticket price.
We provide our customers with the best service for a smooth ticket booking experience to travel from San Francisco to Palm Springs. Our advanced technology generates cheap prices for all destinations. For any additional support, you can give us a call anytime for assistance to book a flight from SFO to PSP airport.